Creating your own pet animals out of paper!
Hello There I hope you are having a good day!😇 Today's project is yet another different project from what I usually undertake, but I enjoy pushing my crafty boundaries once in a while.😂 Here are some of the pictures of the project To start I used newspaper to make my base. I made two balls one larger than the other and used it for the head and body of my little penguin. I stuck the head and body together using masking tape. I then tore some strips of newspaper and using a mixture of glue and water I began adding layers to my body. I added the layers in such a way so that the body looked more fuller and all the gaps and uneven surface could be covered up. I also made the beak in the same manner. Then I let it dry for a day or two. To make it a bit more fun, I used different patterns of decoupage paper to decoupage my little penguin. And that's it !